Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2011 Debut Author Challenge

As you know, I read YA books as part of my writer’s training. With that in mind, I decided to participate in Story Siren’s 2011 Debut Author Challenge. The challenge requires participants to read and review at least 12 books by debut YA or MG authors during 2011. This is an exciting way to create interest in new authors and get the word out about their work. The deadline to sign-up for the challenge is March 1st, so go on over to Story Siren’s site and check it out for yourself and while you’re there join the challenge.
Happy Reading!


  1. To be honest, I'm swamped with work, my own writing and enjoying my young years before its gone. Its hard to write a blog post everyday, far less read a full novel. So, I dunno...I want to, but I just don't have the time. Gosh, how I wish someone would make a bar code thingy for books where we swipe a code on the book and scan it into our brains. That would be cool. :D

    Good luck with the challenge.
